Saturday, 30 April 2011

Alien autopsy conspiracy

Check-out this video of a "fake" alien autopsy.
Former MASH surgeon Alan Alda tries to explain how easy it is to fake a dead alien body. 
Seems to me they're cutting-up a real alien and pretending it's not! 
(Why would they go to so much effort to create a tongue and eyes that are so real?)

Is this some kind of sick cover-up to pour cold water on other "dead alien" videos, pretending it's easy to make a dummy alien?
How can you fake a tongue like that? 
It looks extremely lifelike to me...

And what's Alan Alda doing there? He's an actor, not a real surgeon. 
(MASH wasn't real, it was filmed in LA!)

Is this another example of a well-funded government cover-up?

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Watch Van Halen’s Sammy Hagar reenact his alien abduction on TV

In case you were confused as to exactly how Van Halen's Sammy Hagar was abducted by aliens (something he admitted to last month in his new autobiography Red), Hagar reenacted the entire horrific experience on Jimmy Kimmel Live.  

Sadly, he doesn't seem to be taking his own abduction experience seriously... treating it all like a big joke. Perhaps this is what happens when you've taken too many drugs - you can't take anything seriously anymore?

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Big Bang near Warrnambool not taken seriously by media

Once again I'm dismayed by the dismissive attitude the media takes with reports of paranormal occurrences.
Many people in the Warrnambool area reported a loud bang accompanied by lights in the sky last night, yet the author of this article in The Standard (below) treats it like some kind of joke.
I bet they'd be laughing on the other side of their face if they were abducted... (perhaps literally - who knows what kind of experiments an alien race would conduct on a reporter from a rural newspaper?)

The website for this article includes a reader poll asking if the 'explosion' was either:
a) a meteor shower
b) visiting alien life
c) a sonic boom
d) other

The winning response after 1177 votes?
b) visiting alien life
with a wopping 49.9% of the vote!

I think that's pretty conclusive evidence right there...

Big bang sets Warrnambool alight

14 Apr, 2011 11:45 AM
WAS it an earthquake? Did Tower Hill erupt into action? Did a meteor crash to earth or was it a alien invasion?
The 'big bang' that was heard about 1am this morning had residents talking and people hypothesising on Facebook after reports of an "explosion" shaking homes in Winslow, Warrnambool and Terang.

This was allegedly accompanied by flashes of light in the sky that were variously described as being pink, orange and yellow, and seen as far away as Mortlake and Port Fairy.

Rumours grew and pranksters swooped: it was a tsunami heading towards Lady Bay; it was an earthquake measuring 5.3 on the Richter Scale that caused "extensive minor damage"; it was a sonic boom from a passing defence force jet.

The Standard has been able to confirm that it wasn't an earth tremor, with Geoscience Australia stating that no seismic activity had been recorded in the region.

Nearby volcano Tower Hill also appeared to be its usual dormant self.

Local police were unable to shed any light on the mystery, leaving the truth out there, but investigations are continuing.