Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Bigfoot spotted on YouTube

Once again we see the media mocking a sighting of Bigfoot. How many sightings is it going to take?

Did An iPhone Just Get Video Of Bigfoot?

By Gabriel Perna | May 30, 2011 5:12 PM EDT
The legend of Bigfoot lives - at least in the eyes of one woman.
The woman, named "Samantha" told interviewers she saw Bigfoot while hiking near her native hometown of Spokane, Wash near the Spokane River. She recorded a video on her iPhone and subsequently uploaded it to YouTube. The video has thus far gotten more than 500,000 views.
Most people seem to be convinced the video is fake. "Not real! You can tell it's a man walking," one commentator named Blueshockeyboys said.
"I have never given it much thought, but now I'm not so sure. Seem real enough to me," Samantha, who did not give her last name out to interviewers, said toKLXY.com.
Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a mythical ape like beast, that can walk upright and has the mannuerisms of a humanoid. It's been "sighted" several times in the Great Pacific Northwest. While it's mainly believed to be an urban legend, there are some legitimate scientists such as Jane Goodall and Jeffrey Meldrum, who believe in its existence.
Take a look at the video for yourself and see what you think.

"Most people seem to be convinced the video is a fake." says the "reporter". However, I doubt he really bothered to survey "most people", instead simply referring to the sceptics who leave negative comments on YouTube (and blogs like this one). His reference? "Blueshockeyboys", who says "Not real! You can tell it's a man walking," This is an impressive observation coming from someone WHO WASN'T THERE! 
"Blueshockeyboys" may well be a credible journalist, but they should know better than to jump to conclusions. It's unscientific. 
I think it's pretty clear from the fur that this is conclusive evidence of Bigfoot. 
What do you think?


  1. Hmmm, not sure about Bigfoot...I mean I can't see his feet, can anyone else?

  2. Notice how the light in that area of the footage somehow doesn't affect Bigfoot? He is quite dark yet everything else in that area is over exposed.

    Or more accurately I should say.... notice how the programmer did not add any lighting effects to the bigfoot pixels when using Adobe After Effects?

    Some sloppy animation.
    The real question should be were they using Adobe After Effects CS5.5 ?

  3. Michael, why would someone go to the trouble to fake a bigfoot sighting? And if they did, surely they'd make one that was easier for us to see? Bigfoot appears dark simply because he has black fur. It's not rocket surgery...
