Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Facebook founder is a vampire!

This news is very disturbing, but doesn't come as much of a surprise to anyone who saw 'The Social Network'. 
Zuckerberg is clearly a blood-sucker. Take a close look at this photo and you'll notice the pale complexion, lifeless eyes and... FANGS!

The more I think about it, the more this makes sense. Even his software sucks the life from its users. Plus he has a strange views on what constitutes vegetarianism (see below)

I wonder how many other pale billionaires out there might be vampires?

Mark Zuckerberg Butchers Animal to Eat
May 29, 2011 7:18 PM EDT

Mark Zuckerberg - when he's not building Facebook - likes to give himself personal challenges to "learn something about the world, expand my interests and teach myself greater discipline, he recently told a magazine.

For example, last year his Challenge was to learn Chinese, giving himself an hour a day to do it.

"It has been a very humbling experience," he said in an e-mail to Fortune published on Thursday. "You just need to practice and practice."

He said he has traveled to the country, learned about its culture and history and met "a lot of interesting new people."

His latest personal challenge revolves around "being thankful for the food I have to eat." Zuckerberg says he has started to slaughter the meat that he eats. A hint of his practice was revealed publicly on May 4 in a Facebook posting where he wrote" "I Just killed a pig and a goat."

"I think many people forget that a living being has to die for you to eat meat, so my goal revolves around not letting myself forget that and being thankful for what I have," Zuckerberg told Fortune in an e-mail on Thursday.

His way for doing that has meant that he has "basically become a vegetarian since the only meat I'm eating is from animals I've killed myself."

He says it that so for it has been a "good experience" noting he's eating healthier foods and has learned about sustainable farming and raising of animals.

When did the seed for this come about?

He started thinking about it at a pig roast at his house last year. Many people there told him they liked the meat but didn't want to think about the fact that the pig had once been alive.

"That just seemed irresponsible to me," he said. "I don't have an issue with anything people choose to eat, but I do think they should take responsibility and be thankful for what they eat rather than trying to ignore where it came from."

Zuckerberg says he first killed a lobster boiling it alive and told Fortune that it was difficult emotionally.

"The most interesting thing was how special it felt to eat it after having not eaten any seafood or meat in a while," he said.

He later killed a chicken.


  1. Wow...talk about inscisorive commentary!

  2. Little Miss Martian1 June 2011 at 1:20 pm

    Hi Steve! Thank you for posting this article. I'm sure many of your fans, including myself, didn't even know vegetarian vampires existed. Very frightening. By the way, I noticed you haven't accepted my friend request yet!
    Hugs xx

  3. Is that also a blotch of blood in the right hand bottom corner????? Steve, you missed that one!

    PS: Other Pale Billionaires? Mr Bill "Vamps" Gates.
    Did you notice that both of them have something to do with computers? You'd better go an investigate this one Steve. Hopefully it will keep you away from your blog for a while.


    Michael Polkinghorne

  4. Thanks Little Miss Martian.
    I hadn't noticed your Facebook friend request. How did you find me?
    Not sure I should be mixing business with pleasure though... he, he...

    Steve McG
