Friday, 20 May 2011

UFO Or Meteor Crash New Jersey 2011

This is just creepy! It should be front-page news, but as usual, it's being ignored by the mainstream media.

I've never heard of ANYTHING doing the kind of damage seen here. A hole without any evidence of what caused it. It reeks of alien involvement to me. But why would they do it?

Original report said that a "strange hole recently appeared in an unsuspecting lawn. This spontaneous divot has fascinated residents and local news anchors, spinning dark, eldritch dreams of meteorites and UFOs" [link]

No-one appears to have a clue what caused it. Maybe this unexplained event is some kind of warning? A wake-up call to 2012? 

And one last small note - Congratulations to PIX11 news for treating this story with the respect it deserves. News services in this country would've mocked this discovery and attributed it to vandals or landscape gardeners or something equally ridiculous...


  1. I can explain this is 4 words.

    Somebody dug a hole.

  2. Little Miss Martian20 May 2011 at 1:07 pm

    Why do people always pick-on Steve? He obviously knows what he's talking about and I bet he'd be cute too judging by the articles he writes.

    Keep at it Steve.
    Your biggest fan!!!!


  3. Michael, I'm sure the media would've considered that possibility before running this story.

    Thanks "Little Miss Martian"!
    It's nice to know I have a fan out there. Although I'm hardly a celebrity at this stage.
    The life of a Paranormal Investigator can be a lonely one.
    It's a heavy burden, but if I don't do it, who will?

    I hope you'll keep visiting my blog as I strive to bring the REAL news to the public!

    Steve McG.

  4. Little Miss Martian24 May 2011 at 1:33 pm

    Hi Stevie! Thank you so much for the warm welcome. You're sweet AND smart! It's just a matter of time before the whole world knows about your site and then you will be a celebrity. I will be watching you every step of the way! xxx
